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出口磁悬浮鼓风机 美国欧姆尼U-OMNI

时间:2023-07-14 16:05  来源:beat365体育官网在线下载原创

出口磁悬浮鼓风机 美国欧姆尼U-OMNI







任务道理:美国欧姆尼(U-OMNI)磁悬浮离心鼓风机采纳了高速永磁同步机电直驱布局,将离心叶轮以及机电驱动一体化集成计划,它经由过程内置的位移传感器及时检测转子轴的振动、转子轴的空间间隙,将获得的信号送入磁悬浮轴承节制器停止调度、剖析、运算,发生节制电流,再将该电流输出磁轴承绕转线圈,发生电磁力,从而完成转子轴的悬浮。l美国欧姆尼磁悬浮风机装备磁悬浮轴承,搭载高速永磁同步机电以及三元流叶轮,直连驱动布局,完成离心叶轮以及机电驱动一体化集成计划,高效变频器调速,完成智能化监测节制以及无人化值守。风机发动时先悬浮后扭转,属于自动式悬浮,无磨擦,无需光滑,三元流叶轮与转子直联,传动零丧失,是一种高科技绿色节能环保产物。应用行业美国欧姆尼磁悬浮离心风机普遍应用于污废水处置、原资料加压保送、食物及药品处置、金属处置、火力发电、水泥行业、化工行业、半导体行业、酿造行业、生物制药行业、发酵行业、造纸行业、纺织印染行业等。产物长处一、超等节能:依靠天下进步前辈节能风机手艺,美国欧姆尼氛围悬浮风机比拟保守风机节能30%以上,比拟同类风机节能5%以上。二、超高服从:超高效永磁同步机电搭载三元流涡轮,使分析服从高达86%,(保守磁悬浮风机服从仅55-60%),属国度2级能效配备产物。 三、环保低噪:体积小,品质轻,有机械性磨擦,有机械性震撼,无油污,乐音低于85dB,保守风机的乐音高于100dB。四、机关紧密:直连传动,自动式悬浮,撑持频仍启停,UPS电源供给断电庇护。无矢质变频节制,用调理频次的方式来节制永磁机电的扭转,进而节制鼓风机的流量,知足各类工况使用。智能节制零碎能够展望喘振以及完成当场节制,且设置装备摆设装置了GPRS零碎能够完成长途监视以及数据传输。五、超长命命:集成式计划,模块化办理,机关复杂,体积小,确保高效,无人化值守,免保护,一般工况下(撑持频仍启停),使用寿命跨越25年。六、减碳降费:1台37kW风机,年省电约19万度,年省电费约10万元(1年收受接管机械本钱),能够节流发电标煤约23吨,削减碳排放约172吨。





Introduction of imported maglev centrifugal fan products:

The United States Omni magnetic levitation centrifugal fan relying on the United States advanced magnetic levitation technology research and development design, it is the double carbon era of the majority of customers energy saving fan, is one of the world\'s progressive centrifugal fan. When the fan starts, the first suspension and then rotation, belong to the active suspension, no friction, no lubrication, three-way flow impeller and rotor directly connected, transmission zero loss, is a high-tech green energy-saving environmental protection products.


Magnetic levitation technology:

Objects suspended in the air is the dream of human beings since ancient times, maglev technology is the use of magnetic force to overcome gravity to levitate objects a technology, we are familiar with the maglev train, in fact, maglev fan is also a typical application of this technology in the industrial field.


Imported magnetic levitation centrifugal fan working principle:

The OMNI (U - OMNI) maglev centrifugal blower adopted high speed permanent magnet synchronous motor direct drive structure, the centrifugal impeller and motor driven integration design, it is through the built-in displacement sensor for real-time detection of the vibration of the rotor shaft, rotor shaft space interval, will receive the signal into the magnetic suspension bearing controller to regulate, parsing, operation, control current, Then the current is input into the magnetic bearing around the coil to generate the electromagnetic force, so as to realize the suspension of the rotor shaft. The United States Omni magnetic levitation fan is equipped with magnetic bearing, equipped with high-speed permanent magnet synchronous motor and three-way flow impeller, direct drive structure, to achieve the integration of centrifugal impeller and motor drive integrated design, efficient frequency converter speed regulation, to achieve intelligent monitoring control and unmanned duty. When the fan starts, the first suspension and then rotation, belong to the active suspension, no friction, no lubrication, three-way flow impeller and rotor directly connected, transmission zero loss, is a high-tech green energy-saving environmental protection products.


Advantages of imported maglev centrifugal fan products:

1, super energy saving: relying on the world\'s advanced energy saving fan technology, the United States Omni air suspension fan compared with the traditional fan energy saving more than 30%, compared with similar fan energy saving more than 5%.

2, ultra-high efficiency: ultra-high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous motor is equipped with three-way flow turbine, so that the comprehensive efficiency is up to 86%, (the efficiency of traditional Roots fan is only 55-60%), is a national second-class energy efficiency equipment products.

3, environmental protection and low noise: small size, light weight, no mechanical friction, no mechanical vibration, no oil pollution, the noise is lower than 85dB, the noise of the traditional fan is higher than 100dB.

4, precise structure: direct transmission, active suspension, support frequent start and stop, UPS power supply to provide power protection. No vector frequency conversion control, with the method of adjusting frequency to control the rotation of permanent magnet motor, and then control the flow of the blower, to meet the use of various working conditions. The intelligent control system can predict surge and realize local control, and the equipment installed GPRS system can realize remote monitoring and data transmission.

5, long life: integrated design, modular management, simple structure, small size, to ensure high efficiency, unmanned duty, maintenance free, under normal working conditions (support frequent start and stop), service life more than 25 years.

6. Carbon reduction and fee reduction: a 37kW fan can save about 190,000 KWH of electricity annually, and about 100,000 yuan of electricity annually (recovering the machine cost in one year). It can save about 23 tons of standard coal for power generation and 172 tons of carbon emissions.


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