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磁悬浮鼓风机 美国品牌欧姆尼U-OMNI

时间:2023-07-14 16:05  来源:beat365体育官网在线下载原创

磁悬浮鼓风机 美国品牌欧姆尼U-OMNI

磁悬浮离心鼓风机是将磁悬浮轴承手艺以及高速机电手艺融入保守风机当中所构成的一种高效的节能环保的新型风机,具备机构复杂、高效智能、一体化、操纵保护复杂、运转用度低的明显长处,可普遍应用于污水处置(市政、产业及其余)、物料保送、食物医药、纺织印染、皮革造纸、脱硫脱硝等名目中,节能。U-OMNI欧姆尼磁悬浮离心鼓风机任务道理:磁悬浮鼓风机是正在保守鼓风机根本上应用了自动式磁悬浮轴承手艺及高速永磁同步机电手艺并停止一体化计划的新型高效节能环保产物。U-OMNI欧姆尼磁悬浮离心鼓风机产物布局:自动式磁悬浮轴承零碎是磁悬浮鼓风机的焦点零碎,机电转子牢固于两个径向磁轴承与两个轴向磁轴承之间,转子的地位由地位传感器停止检测,将地位信号及时反应给磁轴承节制器。当转子偏偏移时,节制器会按照转子的偏偏移量调理磁轴承各自在度的磁场力,让转子回到准确地位。U-OMNI欧姆尼磁悬浮离心鼓风机机能特色:一、节能高效:⑴与空气悬浮风机比拟,磁悬浮鼓风机的服从进步了30~40%。⑵与空气悬浮风机比力,每一台磁悬浮鼓风机每一年能够浪费用电30%以上。二、低碳环保:⑴磁悬浮鼓风机无需光滑,保送的氛围洁净无净化。⑵磁悬浮轴承完整无磨擦,鼓风机运转乐音低,没有会影响周边办公及栖身情况。⑶以150hp磁悬浮鼓风机计较,每一台鼓风机每一年可削减约275吨的2氧化碳排放量。三、经营本钱低:⑴磁悬浮鼓风机完整无磨擦,削减产物破坏的概率,鼓风机的使用寿命能够到达20年以上。⑵磁悬浮鼓风机保护复杂,只要按期改换过滤器。⑶磁悬浮鼓风机没有需要光滑零碎,浪费了光滑、洁净等用度。 ⑷机电采纳直联驱动,体积小,分量轻,浪费空间。⑸国际出产,可保证备品备件实时供给。鼓风机培修常常零件改换,售后本钱非常高贵。四、免保护:⑴一体化计划,撬装布局,装置便利。⑵一键遏制,一样平常运转,免机器保护。 ⑶仅需改换过滤器。U-OMNI欧姆尼磁悬浮离心鼓风机手艺参数:口 径:200~400妹妹流 量:(15-50)~(10-410)m3/min压 力:40~80KPa转 速:15000~75000rpm冷却体例:Air功 率:37~300KW材 料:铝合金U-OMNI欧姆尼磁悬浮离心鼓风机应用规模:普遍用于污水处置、火力发电、水泥、化工、半导体、酿造、食物、生物制药、发酵、造纸、钢铁、纺织印染等行业。


Magnetic levitation blower product overview:

Magnetic levitation centrifugal blower is a new type of high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection fan formed by integrating magnetic levitation bearing technology and high speed motor technology into the traditional fan. It has the obvious advantages of simple mechanism, intelligent efficiency, integration, simple operation and maintenance, low operation cost, and can be widely used Widely used in sewage treatment (municipal, I industry and other), material transport, key pharmaceutical, textile printing and dyeing, leather papermaking, desulfurization and denitration and other projects, energy saving.


U-OMNI maglev centrifugal blower working principle:

Magnetic levitation blower is a new type of high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection product, which is based on the traditional blower and applied vivid magnetic bearing technology and high speed permanent magnet synchronous motor technology.


U-OMNI maglev centrifugal blower product structure:

The active magnetic suspension bearing system is the core system of magnetic suspension blower. The motor rotor is fixed between two radial magnetic bearings and two axial magnetic bearings. The position of the rotor is detected by the position sensor, and the position signal is reflected to the magnetic bearing controller in real time. When the rotor is offset, the controller will adjust the magnetic field force of each degree of freedom of the magnetic bearing according to the offset of the rotor, so that the rotor will return to the correct position.


U-OMNI magnetic levitation centrifugal blower performance characteristics:

1. Energy saving and high efficiency:

(1) Compared with Roots blower, the efficiency of maglev blower is increased by 30~40%.

⑵ Compared with Roots blower, each maglev blower can save more than 30% electricity per year.

2. Low-carbon environmental protection:

⑴ Magnetic levitation blower without lubrication, the delivery of air clean and pollution-free.

The magnetic levitation bearing is frictionless, the blower operation noise is low, will not affect the surrounding office and living environment.

⑶ With a 150hp maglev blower, each blower can reduce CO2 emissions by about 275 tons per year.

3. Low operating cost:

(1) Maglev blower is completely frictionless, reducing the chance of product damage, blower service life can reach more than 20 years.

Magnetic levitation blower maintenance is simple, only need to change the filter regularly.

⑶ Maglev blower does not need lubrication system, save the cost of lubrication, cleaning and so on.

⑷ The motor is driven by direct connection, small size, light weight, saving space.

⑸ Domestic production, can ensure the timely supply of spare parts. Blower maintenance often replace the whole machine, the after-sales cost is very expensive.

4, maintenance free:

⑴ Integrated design, pry structure, convenient installation.

The key to stop, daily operation, free of mechanical maintenance.

(3) Just replace the filter.

U-OMNI maglev centrifugal blower technical parameters:

Mouth diameter: 200 ~ 400 妹妹

Flow quantity: (15 to 50) ~ (10-410 m3 / min)

Pressure force: 40 ~ 80 kpa

Turn speed: 15000 ~ 75000 RPM

Cooling mode :Air

Power: 37 ~ 300 kw

Material: Aluminum alloy


Application range of U-OMNI maglev centrifugal blower:

Widely used in sewage treatment, thermal power generation, cement, chemical, semiconductor, brewing, food, biopharmaceutical, fermentation, papermaking, steel, textile printing and dyeing and other industries.


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